Here’s an interesting fact: nearly 100 percent of all window and door manufacturers have a CNC machine in their operations. And here’s another interesting fact: few of those CNC machines are in any way connected to your design, estimation and manufacturing solution.

While that’s not a problem in and of itself, it is a massive missed opportunity. One of the overwhelming advantages of CNC is the precision which comes with computer-controlled manufacturing. When it’s automated, there are no errors. Every hole goes precisely where it should, every blank is machined to exact tolerances and every part is just right.

That’s why you have a CNC machine in the first place. And that’s exactly what makes the integration of your CNC with your V6 software such a compelling value proposition.

You already rely on V6 to provide automation, control and accuracy across design, estimation and manufacture. When V6 is linked to your CNC machine… well, you can see where I am going with this. It means a single-entry point for all data, from start to finish. No manual programming required, no mistakes, no rekeying of data.

That’s why we’ve introduced an Automation Module for CNC. We’re excited about this piece of software because it truly delivers ‘straight through processing’, with the effect that it supercharges your operations through maximum efficiency. It’s something of a force multiplier, reducing reliance on people for the boring, error-prone manual stuff, so they can focus their attention where it really matters: innovation, optimization and getting your factory operating as smoothly as possible.

Now, a further note on CNC in our industry. These devices have only really been around for perhaps the past 20 years. If you think about what your laptop looked like two decades ago in comparison to today’s standards, well, there’s no comparison. The maturity and level of development which has taken place over those years puts a modern machine light years ahead… while at the same time, the acquisition cost has consistently come down. For a more detailed look at CNC, check out my Australian colleague Slavek Heyduk’s recent blog.

Our introduction of the Automation Module is a further reflection of the maturity of CNC. In fact, I strongly believe that CNC is the future of window and door manufacturing, particularly for the production of bespoke or architecturally-designed pieces. The bottom line is that if you’re not doing integrated manufacturing, and seamlessly driving your CNC operations straight from the front office, you’ll put yourself at a disadvantage.

So, for those with CNC and V6, the next obvious question is: What’s involved? Introducing the Automation Module and getting connected has a cost, but it is easy to assess the investment against the potential returns. Once installed, the Automation Module keeps working (software doesn’t wear out like the tools on your CNC machine will!) so it has an infinite amortization.

All this makes for a truly compelling value proposition. It’s a great way to take a big step into the future, with a precision solution that makes your factory ready for tomorrow.

If you’re interested in learning more about CNC, our Automation Module or anything else, please reach out to me via the demo link below. I’d love to talk it over with you.