It may seem obvious, but I have experienced a few common attributes in successful small business models and with their owners, and this has inspired me to write about my 4 Success Tips for Small Business below:


Consumer expectations are higher than ever before and word of mouth travels ridiculously fast. If a business wants to attract and retain clients, offering fast, helpful support is a must. Particularly true for small and medium businesses (SMBs), who have to work harder than their larger counterparts, with fewer resources to build their brands and customer bases. 

The key to good customer service is building good relationships with your customers. Thanking the customer and promoting a positive, helpful and friendly environment will ensure they leave with a great impression. A happy customer will return often and is likely to spend more.  

To ensure you provide the best customer service:

  • know what your customers consider to be good customer service
  • take the time to find out customers’ expectations
  • follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive
  • ensure that you consider customer service in all aspects of your business
  • continuously look for ways to improve the level of customer service you deliver 

A great way to get a gauge on how you are doing in this department is to set up a Net Promoter Score (also known as NPS).


The latest round of privacy scandals at Facebook might have been enough to crush a lesser company, but not this social media giant, at least not where small businesses are concerned. As a matter of fact, surveys reveal a large percentage of small businesses plan to increase their marketing investment in Facebook. In the past larger businesses were more likely to invest in social media, now SMBs can also find success with this technology as the cost becomes more attractive.  Other platforms to look in to include TwitterInstagram and Pinterest.


Even though we all know of the dangers of using the same password for multiple accounts, most SMBs seem to continue to use unsafe password practices, mainly for fear of forgetting login information. This practice is detrimental to small business owners, as having the same password makes your company more vulnerable and this vulnerability could end up costing you and your business. Re-setting your passwords every few months or having multiple individual logins (that are managed), makes sense to protect your business. 


Reading & Self Improvement:

Successful individuals don’t spend their time indulging in Netflix, instead they substitute tube time for books. Many famous entrepreneurs are known to spend many hours a day reading, while the content can vary, most devote time to non-fiction, focusing on self-education and self-improvement. 

Don’t isolate yourself:

Successful individuals are social butterflies, always meeting and chatting with new people. They put tremendous effort into expanding their network because they understand that relationships are often key to success. Online networking platform LinkedIn is a great example of this.

Don’t Second Guess Yourself:

Successful entrepreneurs tend to go with their gut instincts and don’t overthink choices. That isn’t to say they don’t consider consequences-they absolutely do. However, they don’t over-analyse to the point of paralysis. After carefully considering their options, they choose a path, take action, and don’t look back.

Never Surrender Without a Fight:

Successful individuals don’t raise a white flag at the first sign of trouble. They persevere amidst setbacks and failures. Many entrepreneurs face criticism and doubt from peers, friends, and family, but refuse to give up. Researchers have found that “grit” is actually more predicative of success than IQ. The real winners don’t back down.

Keeping Fit & Healthy:

Entrepreneurs understand that regular exercise can have a tremendous effect on your daily focus, productivity, and happiness. Make some time in your weekly schedule for exercise, anything from a 30 minute brisk walk, to a swim, cardio gym session or take an exercise class.

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button:

Many successful millionaires are early risers, always looking to get a jump-start on the day ahead. They are rarely the ones snoozing and rushing out the door late to work.

Never be bored:

The most successful individuals never claim to be bored because they always see opportunities to learn and experiment around them. Rather than twiddling their thumbs, they are out meeting people, taking classes, reading books, and expanding their repertoire of skills and knowledge.


Above all, don’t forget to unplug from the business to give yourself a break and reignite the passion that took you on the journey to starting your own business in the first place.